How Yellow Journalism Screws the Left

(Or: "Exposed: Hapless Yes Men Played for Fools by Sneaky Serbian Stooge")


Carl Gibson and Steve Horn’s misleading and poorly researched story—about the links between Srdja Popovic, cofounder of Otpor! and CANVAS, and a crappy corporate spy outfit named Stratfor—does no one any good.

Reason #2: Laughter is a good medicine

We all know the facts: the sixth greatest mass extinction in Earth's history is already underway—and this time it's all our fault. We all know about rising sea levels, epic floods and hurricanes, wildly fluctuating temperatures, and ever-more-deadly droughts.

U.S. Chamber Cries Uncle, Withdraws Lawsuit

In 2009, we gave a press conference as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to announce they would be dropping their opposition to climate change legislation. The Chamber was so mad they sued–right after dropping their opposition to climate change legislation. Then, in June of 2013, they gave up the lawsuit, much to our chagrin.